I was wondering if there was some guide out there other than the bible that kinda gives new persons a tutorial on how to use it and all that stuff?
"Hey look! A Pola-(boom)"-my thoughts when entering Nila'Mjolnir.
I was wondering if there was some guide out there other than the bible that kinda gives new persons a tutorial on how to use it and all that stuff?
"Hey look! A Pola-(boom)"-my thoughts when entering Nila'Mjolnir.
This should be in the Developer's Corner.
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As far as I know, there is no good guide for getting started on making plugins.
Read the relevant passages of the Great Book for guidance.
Examine the world around you, as defined in the Nova Data Files. Reverse engineering is very helpful.
Experiment: Create a little plugin and test it!
You would be wise to backup the Nova Data Files before you play with them.
It would be folly to try to make something complicated as your first plugin.
You would do well to download my Ultimate Nova Reference from the addons page (and today I am uploading a much better version that replaces most IDs with names) - when you wish to link systems or stock them with ships, such a reference is invaluble.
Thou shalt not confuse RID (Resource IDs) and Index numbers: Index #= the RID-128 (index #s for each resource type start at 0, while RID's start at 128). The Bible should make it clear you are to use an RID and when it wants an Index number, but you should be aware that these two numbers to refer to the same thing exist.
Though it may well be intuitively obvious once you have read the Bible, you can only have one resource of a given type and ID - there can be only one Outfit 128, and if you make an outfit 128 in your plugin, it will override the one in the stock scenario. If you make an outfit 128, and another plugin you have has an outfit 128, they would be said to conflict, and only one would effect the game. This may seem obvious, but I have answered questions about this.
Have fun. You a windows user? Or a mac-person who just happened to start plug making when EVNEW came out?
It is here. EVNEW Public Beta (url="http://"http://www.aznt.com/EVN/EVNEW")www.aznt.com/EVN/EVNEW(/url)
hehe. I've been messing around with it for 2 days and I've created 3 syst, 2 spobs(one a black hole-ish thing), 4 outf (two of which don't work because of the next statement), and can't seem to figure out how to associate ammo with its weapon. Can anyone help on ammo asociation?
"Hey look! A Pola-(boom)"-my thoughts when entering Nila'Mjolnir.
Where the ammo field is depends on what program you are using... Tell us that, and we'll know what to tell you. Remember of course that you have to have a weapon, an outfit for the weapon, and an outfit for the ammo...
"How can I make it go faster?" -Me-
Originally posted by Requiem:
**hehe. I've been messing around with it for 2 days and I've created 3 syst, 2 spobs(one a black hole-ish thing), 4 outf (two of which don't work because of the next statement), and can't seem to figure out how to associate ammo with its weapon. Can anyone help on ammo asociation?
On EVNEW or Novatools:
Hypothetically if the IDs are as follows
Weapon: Weap 150
Weapon outfit: 180
Ammo outfit: 181
Outf 180:
Modtype1: Weapon (1)
Modval1: 150
Outf 181:
Modtype1: Ammo (3)
Modval1: 150
Weap 150:
On Novatools: Ammotype: 150
On EVNEW: Ammotype: 22 (this is the index number instead of RID of weapon - Index=RID-128)
Novatools subtracts the 128 from Ammotype for you, EVNEW doesnt.
This looks pretty bass-ackwards at first glance, though actually, it provides more options for plugdev:
Since the ammotype reffers to the weapon whose ammo it uses, you can tell a second weapon to use the same ammo - hence, if you made an FWC version of the weapon (lets call id ID 151), you would give it 150 or 22 in its Ammotype field - so any ammo that worked for the non-fwc version would work for the fwc version. Also, as you can see in the stock scenario, you can have many kinds of ammo point to the same weapon (Wraithii, for example.)
It is here. EVNEW Public Beta (url="http://"http://www.aznt.com/EVN/EVNEW")www.aznt.com/EVN/EVNEW(/url)
I'm using EVNEW btw...
so pretty much just subtract 128 from the ID of the weap resource and that's the ammo? cool.
"Hey look! A Pola-(boom)"-my thoughts when entering Nila'Mjolnir.