Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Well, as long as you can make quicktime movies in 3DSmax, then you can make ships for people. Uh, just sign up whenever someone says "Hey I'm making a TC and it really will be good and not become vapourware!"

      But make some ships first, because people generally want to have a good artist working for them, and they'll want proof... Oh yeah, and registering as a member here would be a good thing too, especially if you're going to hang around for any amount of time.

      Welcome to the boards.


      "How can I make it go faster?" -Me-

    • Person with name full of L's 0's, o's and 1's:
      I reccomend using a mac emulator. Baselisk II is free and the macOS for it has been released, and while you cant use RLE encoders or some of the fancy programs, you can still run novatools, and you can max out the ram on the emulated mac without having to buy any ram. And getting files on and off it is easy. If you have highspeed net access, i could send you a working setup of baselisk II (email or aim me).


    • Quote

      Originally posted by Azdara:
      **When you first became a member? All that time ago? One whole month? Man things have changed.:p Just messin' about.

      Well, you probably asked in a way that wasn't respectfull enough. 🙂 3D artist here tend to react fairly badly unless stuff is worded correctly. People saying "hi i need this done now, thank u... someone do this," will get "Hey, pay us and we will." Just be polite about it.

      I ain't saying you weren't polite, but you might not have been, I don't remember.

      Also, we're more likely to work on a tc, than giving someone one graphic for personal use.



      yikes, i completly forgot that i ever posted on this topic. hehheh. your probly right. i've noticed a big change from how i used to post, then how i do know. i try to give the utmost repect whenever i can. soooo... i probly was not as polite, but i know i was not rude, but maybe just not wording anything correctly. i can't even remeber ever asking for ship sprites.

      OH , i know. it was when i was talking about the lack of Nova shipyards compared to the amounts of EV and EVO yards. and then someone said that ship designers don't like to just give away the ships they made for free. ahhhh.... oh well


    • Thanks Azratax! I'm currently running off of a Windows XP Pro, so I am not sure if the Basilisk thing will work too well, but I'm downloading, "" and later today downloading the MacOS 0.76's .bin files. And...thats all you need to make it run right?

      I have a 56.k line, so sending it might be a little time consuming, unless you have a good file hosting service. And no, ignorance isnt the cause for me not getting broadband. Its distance from CO< which in my case is 29 miles away. Oh well, thats what you get for living next to a beautiful lake surrounded by woods. 🙂

      And Azdara, I am a bit more interested in adding balanced and new starships to EV:Nova. I dont like TC's, and I dont like how a lot of plugins only add a fraction of storyline or something to EV:Nova. But thanks anyway. 🙂

      I'll let you know when I get Basilisk working here... 🙂

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Io0011ver2:
      And Azdara, I am a bit more interested in adding balanced and new starships to EV:Nova. I dont like TC's, and I dont like how a lot of plugins only add a fraction of storyline or something to EV:Nova. But thanks anyway.

      i have to be honast. i'm not a big fan of TCs unless ther something really, really, really cool. i really like the ships though.


    • Yeah, well, I wish you could just have the ships ported to the normal EV:Nova gameplay.

      When I first played EV:Nova, I thought the game would have a lot more ships than it has. Oh well. 🙂