remember when i posted thousands of topics on that rebel destroyer.well im back and i learned my lesson. I finally figured out how to use the resedit to edit some things on resources. Now ive got everything i want done, except the only thing i havent figured out is how to take the information i made in resedit and make a plugin out of it. could someone help? greatly appreciated
easiest way. take a plug that already exists, erase everything inside it, and then put in your data. save. and tada, a plug.
Ecky- ecky- ecky- ecky- pikang- zoop- boing- goodem- zoo- owli- zhiv'
"You are the Messiah!" "No I'm not!" "Yes your are, I should know, I followed a few"
(url="http://"").(/url)(url="http://"").(/url)(url="http://"").(/url)(url="http://"").(/url)(url="http://"").(/url)(url="http://"").(/url) -
Originally posted by EVSuper Nova:
remember when i posted thousands of topics on that rebel destroyer.well im back and i learned my lesson. I finally figured out how to use the resedit to edit some things on resources. Now ive got everything i want done, except the only thing i havent figured out is how to take the information i made in resedit and make a plugin out of it. could someone help? greatly appreciatedquite simple. find a plug, copy it, delete all the info on one of them, copy the changes, paste them onto the plug, save, and give it a new name. unless i am mssing something, that should do it.
Edit: AAAAARRRRGGGGGGG....... "sigh" you beat me AAC.
:::::::::::::::::::::::::READ::::::::::::::::::::::::: -
lol thnx guys, um but dumb question. i'm assuming there are other ways of doing that but wut did u guys do when u didnt have a plug to copy? i mean wudnt u have to make stuff up from scratch....thnx for the advice im gonna use it to finish my plug....which is actually for Escape Velocity Classic.
there was never a time when i could not get a plug. just in case though, i suppose, i like to keep a blank plug.
:::::::::::::::::::::::::READ::::::::::::::::::::::::: -
I do know that on Macintosh nova you need to set the type and creator fields in order to make the files usable by nova. You will need an existing nova file, or the ability to type charachters with those wierd dots over them.
open resedit, (dont need to open your plug) then do get file/folder info.. and open the plug you are making and a known working plug. Copy the fields for type and creator into your plug and save it.
Or you could enter the type and creator fields manually:
The type and creator fields want to be Npif and Nova respectively, but the "i" in Npif and the "o" and "a" in nova need to have the pair of dots above them, and i'll be darned if i can figure out how to getthose charachters. I prefer to copy them from a pre-existing plug, myself.
Optïön-ü wïll gët yöü thë döüble döts ön äny vöwell...
Just a tip, but that took way too long to type. Hope it's worth it.
"How can I make it go faster?" -Me- -
MissionComputer can create empty plugs for you.
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It is better to feed the goat than it is today. -
I don't know if it works on Macs, but Alt-132 is ä, Alt-137 is ë, Alt-139 is ï, Alt-148 is ö, Alt-129 is ü, and Alt-152 is ÿ, except you have to use the number keypad, not the numbers above the letters.
rundosrun -
För fütürë rëfërëncë, thëy'rë knöwn äs ümläüts.
And there's more where that came from!
(url="http://"")Monster(/url) - (url="http://"")Caribbean(/url) -
EVSuper Nova, try to write in full sentences utilizing proper grammar, spelling, and coherent sentence structure. Your posts are difficult at best to read, and troublesome to decipher. A few extra seconds and a little more energy make it easier for the rest of us to understand you problem and subsequently to help you with it.
"Life is tough, but it's even tougher when you're stupid."
-John Wayne -
Originally posted by EVSuper Nova:
which is actually for Escape Velocity Classic.**
Are you making it for the EVN TC EV, or regular old EVC?
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