Originally posted by JT Sterling:
**You could have asked me....
I am not at home, so I cannot access my bookmarks. But next week I will be. I have about three really good tutorials in them. If you can wait that long....
So you can expect certain EMail on Tuesday, say 8:00 pm GMT.
(BTW, my EMail is still valid and accessed, I just am not at my own computer, that's all... and therefor cannot produce more planets at the moment)
No its just I just like knowing how to do things. I get twitchy when I have nothing to do and I get sick. I like moving around. I' walking as I type this (its on my dad's laptop). Anyways does Lunacell work on Photoshop 2.5.2 LE? I know, I know its old as anything but i don't have money to throw around for Computer programs (heh, I throw it aroudn for Warhammer :D).
Hey! If I want cheesey poofs, I'll get cheesey poofs!
-Eric Cartman Law Enforcer
"Respect my Authorita!"