Well, I'm a little surprised that no one has replied to this yet... Well, have no fear. I'm sure someone will be along soon to help you out...
Heh, well this is much better to do using ResEdit/NovaTools and EnRLE but if you don't have Classic installed we'll have to make do. The Dreamwave download has everything you need but there's just a little assembly required.
First, I'm going to presume that you have Preview on your system. This is the only way I've been able to get this to work. Photoshop didn't do the trick. And for the sake of simplicity, I'm going to use old Resource ID 128 for this ship. That way it'll just replace the regular shuttle and will automatically be given to a new pilot - a good way to test everything.
Now, open the Ship Sprite and Mask pct and the Engine Sprite and Mask pct in Preview. Open Mission Computer and make a new Nova plug. Make a new PICT resource and give it an ID of 1000. This will be the ship itself. Click OK. There should now be a blank window waiting for a picture to be pasted in it. So go back to Preview and select the Ship Sprite graphic from the right tab window. It should be the one that looks like a bunch of little ships. Copy this image. Go back to MC and now paste the image. You might have to use the menu controls. I had some problems with keyboard shortcuts working. Now repeat this process for the ship mask (the black and white ship sillouette image) but this time give it an ID of 1001. So how'd we get these numbers? Really you can use whatever IDs you want for the sprites and masks. ATMOS used a simple little system to stay organized so we will too. Just take the ID of the ship (in this case 128) subtract 128 then multiply by 2 and add 1000. This will be the sprite graphic. For the mask just go one higher. Numbering this way ensures that you don't use the same ID twice. For the engine glows do exactly the same again as the sprite and mask only give the glow sprite and mask IDs of 1400 and 1401 respectively (Glows add 1400 rather than 1000).
At this point you should have 4 PICT files in MC with IDs 1000 (ship sprite), 1001 (ship mask), 1400 (engine glow), 1401 (glow mask).
Now you have to make the resource that will control the ship's appearance in the game. This involves making a SHAN. Unfortunatly, MC doesn't have a nice little interface for this so you'll have to use the template provided and the Nova Bible. It'd be wise to read over the shan section prior to continuing. It's located near the beginning. Your BaseImage and Mask are the ship sprite so enter 1000 and 1001 for these fields. The BaseCountSet is how many sets of images there are in the PICT (or rle*). In this case there are 3. 1 normal and 1 for each banking direction. The BaseXSize and YSize is the size of the sprite. The nice thing about that Banshee download is that Skyblade included the size in the file name. So in these fields enter 36. If you don't know the size of these, open the image in a graphic editor to find the image size, then divide that number by the number of ships in a single row (216px/6=36). For BaseTransp enter 0 (unless you want the ship to be transparent). Do the same for the engine glows: 1400, 1401, 36, 36. Since there are banking frames, enter $0001 for the flags. AnimDelay and WeaponDecay should both be 0 and where it says FramesPer enter 36 (this is pretty standard).
This is really all you need for the shan. you can also make many other adjustments including the exit points for various weapons but I'll skip that for now.
So your shan should look like:
BaseImageID: 1000
BaseMaskID: 1001
BaseSetCount: 3
BaseXSize: 36
GlowMaskID: 1401
GlowXSize: 36
GlowYSize: 36
Flags: $0001
AnimDelay: 0
WeapDecay: 0
FramesPer: 36
Next make your ship resource. This has to be the same ID has the shan otherwise Nova won't connect the two correctly. In this case it should be 128. Edit the ship resource as you see fit. Use the bible as a guide and the Nova Files as a reference.
Almost done. All you have to do now is add some shipyard pics and a description if you want. Add the shipyard pics to the PICT file in MC the same way that you added the sprites. (Copy using Preview, Paste in a new PICT resource in MC.) For Nova, this includes all the rest of the images except for the green one. The shipyard pict should be 5000 (ship ID + 5000 - 128), the target pict should be 3000 (ship ID + 3000 - 128) and finally the large shipyard picture (when you click info) should be 20128 (ship ID + 20000). The last image ID doesn't matter but this is what ATMOS did and it works well. Finally make a description of it and give the desc an ID of 13000 (ship ID + 13000 - 128) and enter the large shipyard PICT ID (20128) in the graphic field.
You should be all set. I haven't ever made a ship using MC exclusively so I can't be positive this works but I'm fairly certain that it will If you want to keep the shuttle, give the the ship a unique ID and adjust ALL the resource IDs accordingly.
I used to jog but the ice kept falling out of my glass.
(url="http://"http://www.0three0.net/l-1551/")L 1551(/url) - The official site of RONIN and The Way and the ten thousand things
(This message has been edited by Kame (edited 08-03-2003).)