Originally posted by Arturo:
**See hexadecimal hamburgers for a lucid explanation.
Sorry, that is incorrect in this case. There are bit-mask fields in several resource parameters, but the ModVal for the cloak outfit isn't one of them. The ModVal for a cloak is a decimal integer. The confusion arises because the Nova bible documentation defines the cloaking functions in hexidecimal. Nonetheless, the ModVal field for the cloak needs a decimal integer. If you read closely Slagblah's post in the referenced thread, that is made clear. Thanks for trying to be helpful, but you might want to be sure the answer your giving is the correct one, lest confusion reign and we all get wet.
Err, that's the definition of a bitmask field I.e. a number that is the sum of one or more binary values as each possible combination of those binary values produces a unique result. The easiest way to represent a bitmask is, of course, by showing the individual bits that comprise it, but displaying it in hex or integer format doesn't change what it is. The important thing is how it's used, that's what makes it a bitmask (or bitfield, bit array or whatever you want to call it), and the reason they're used is because they are an extremely efficient method for storing multiple boolean values.
Once the game gets a hold of the value it can query individual bits or use binary logic on it using another bitfield to easily determine which bits are set and which ones are not. The bitfield 'masks' any logic relying on bits being set that are cleared, or relying on bits being cleared that are set. The only difference between the bitmasks used in the flag fields those used by the requires and contributes fields in the game is that the flag fields are used internally by the game engine and, therefore, the user has no control over what they are tested against.
If anyone didn't understand any of that just ignore it, the last thing I want is more confusion (or anyone to get wet).