well im working on a project (unanaunced as of yet) and while I was thinking of the story line and it's many variants, I came to the rather obvious relization that it would SUCK to write two identical story lines for a male and female pilot, when all of this work can be saved with some simle if/then logic, namely in desc resorces...
for exsample:
blah blah blah <IF xxxx = TRUE><THEN hey, my man whats hapening??><ELSE hey girlfrend what ya been up to lately??><ENDIF> Blah Blah Blah
this simple adition would alow for:
-mision decriptions to reflect your other shoot-off misions ( ie a buddy of yours mentions cojo hunting- of mabie being a bounty hunter)
-Spob desc's to reflect in game changes without having to create new syst and spob recorces (ie only the desk on eath changes after the rebls win, not the whole sys.
anywho, simple logic would save us programers a lot of pain... wouldn't it??
"hey drothy, I know we aint in kanssas any more but...
We just passed oz on the left!"