Originally posted by TheRedeemer:
**Hehe nice idea but its not like the ratings on games stop young kids playing them, it just makes them want to play that game more. It's like 'wow that's an 18 rated game that's so cool' I know plenty of 10 year olds who play stuff like Soldier of Fortune, which is one of the most gory games I've ever seen. And the thing is with something like EV children who are too young to learn about drugs and prostitutes probably woulden't understand most of the writing in the game. The only real problem would be with like I mentioned earlier, lots of swearing or explicitely described sex scenes.
And, thedecline, if your comment regarding the ratings advise board was purely a joke, Im sorry for making a fool out of myself 
One thing to keep in mind with sexual activity described in a plug is this: I am very well-read. I will read just about any book that does not have a Doberman and a guy with a machine-gun keeping me from reading it (and I just might take my chances with the Dobie). Plenty of books describe people having intercourse. I've read a few where they were rather explicit. But it's still pretty d*** hard for intercourse in a story to be anywhere near the level it is in pornography. It is nearly impossible to create written porn Now, if you have a good imagination, on the other hand, you can fill in the blanks. But, if you're willing to fill in those particular blanks, you'd do it regardless of the storywriting.
However, we're still writing a story. We lie to people for their enjoyment. Some people enjoy cheap artificial sexual gratification. But, with that, they miss out on something else: that simple feeling of satisfaction you get when you get to the end of a truly good book, like Ray Bradbury's Farenheit 451. The goodguy loses, but, in a way, he wins. The U.S. is annihilated in a nuclear war, but it still prevails. Same goes for The Postman, and a dozen others I can't remember right now. Write. Write well, and write like nobody is ever going to read it: that way you're not afraid of somebody being unhappy or offended.
Good luck, and God Bless,
-- spacecowboy
Suddenly, the little scoutship disappeared and then reappeared right behind the alien warfleet. The gravitic ship's captain hailed the armada. "You are going to be destroyed, but I will give you a choice as to how you want to spend eternity: big pieces, little pieces, or quarks?"
Dead silence.
"Quarks it is, then."