This is my own plugin for the Polycon TC. In it, I want to make changes to the Venerian Striker.
How would I make this outfit available only for the Venerian ship?
I think I have the outfit created (another ship to replace the old one, desc file, etc.)
Beyond the problems of making the thing show up at all, how would I make it only available once I bought that particular ship?
There doesn't seem to be anything equivalent in the regular EVN game. They are all mission relevant. (you have to make it so far in a mission to have certain things available).
I want the ship to have this upgrade available once the ship is purchased and only for that ship (those starbridge upgrades are similar, but you can get them for any ship.)
The compare and require fields in the outfit seem to have something to do with it, but they are not used on the by the Venerian ship.
Is this a situation where I am going to have to add a require flag to the Venerian ship already in the TC?
Lots of questions, and no answers that I could find in the Bible or here.
Ivanova: "I can only conclude that I am paying off karma at a vastly accelerated rate."