Originally posted by cdrcoyote:
**For one thing the blinking of the systems after you click them gets on my nerves very quickly.
I also just figured out how to place links in between systems.
And I have yet to figure out how to get the syst editor to work.
Which adds up to me to be very annoying.
Then theres the fact that you have to wait for the program to start up to even do anything, which is the most annoying thing of all.
-Edit-The systems in the Galaxy Editor do not retain their names.**
The blinking has been removed, it was indeed annoying.
I don't think I can improve creating links - dragging between systems with the link tool is about as easy as it gets.
The syst editor works in the same way as the galaxy editor, but you may be having problems because of my next point.
The systems you are changing are not retaining their names because you currently have to hit return or tab to make changes stick. I am working on removing this limitation for the next release.
Finally, programs generally do have to start up before they can work
EVONE isn't that slow at starting up and it is a one-time delay instead of having small pauses while the program is running. I have made the decision to do a lot of the calculations during startup in order to make the program run more quickly in general.
I just realized the delay you are seeing is longer than what I experience because of the demo countdown. If you register, that delay goes away as well

Edit: I forgot to mention: If anyone experiences any problems with EVONE, please post on my forums (http://forums.ariossoftware.com). The beta testers and myself will be happy to help you.
(url="http://"http://www.ariossoftware.com")Arios SoftWare(/url)
(url="http://"http://www.ariossoftware.com/prgrams/evone/")EVONE 1.0.0 - the plugin editor for EV/EVO/EVN(/url)
(This message has been edited by AriosSw (edited 02-28-2003).)