"Important Information
( PLEASE NOTE) submitted by andrew -- 08-18-2000 12:20 AM
In this document, "Escape Velocity" is used generically to refer to both Escape Velocity and EV Override; there are some differences between the two game engines, which will be noted as necessary, but much of the information presented here applies equally to both.Some of the information in this document is outdated; we're working with plugin developers to bring it up to date, but much of the information presented here is still relevent enough to be of great use."
I'm just wondering if the Developer's Corner FAQ (and the board itself in fact) can be updated slightly to reflect the fact that EVN actually exists...
just a thought d-:
Pan Sola
Fundraising to buy a mac so I can play EV:N without using a Emulator (too slow with carrier combats) or taking over my best friend's computer.
Please send all contributions via paypal to panguim@uclink4.berkeley.edu