hehheh, i smell a battle between two starwars junkies, i believe you are wrong about there are only one ecipls stardestyoers ever built. if i do recall two were built, both as the flagships of teh empire, i dont rember waht tehy ever did but i do remeber there fateful deaths, the frist one i do belived was destryoed when the meperor summuned a force thingy strom but it was repelled by luke and lieas love, teh second was commandered by artoo-detoo and was sent into a collisoin coure with the terrible galxy gun, in so detyosing both terrible weapons and "mistakingly" wiping out that place that was teh emperors hideout or stronghold, umm jsut wondering do you rember that place, its on the tip of my tongue, oh well so em i right about there being two ecplis built or worng?(im just playing around with those 7 ecplis)
As I am THE Star Wars Junkie:
There were indeed 2 Eclipse class Star Destroyers.
The Star Destroyer lost at Endor's Pinnacle Moon was Darth Vader's Executor-class Star Destroyer, not Eclipse class.
The second Eclipse-class Star Destroyer (and indeed, both Destroyers) were destroyed at the Emperor's secret stronghold. DeathVal, FYI the name of the place is(was) Byss.
Go ahead. Ask me anything about Star Wars. 
KIRK: Very funny, Scotty - now beam down my clothes!
Captain Canardley Ableson's Technical Guide to the EV/O Universe