Ok, I've been working on this all day so I hope someone has an answer. I've been trying to place a disabled ship in a specific system at a specific time that can be boarded and captured. In the tutorial missions you're given the chance to practice on a disabled Viper. This ship isn't any part of any missions and seems to appear as a result of the setting of a ncb. So unlike making the ship appear thru a mission, the ship is capturable. So I tried going about it the same way: created a përs using the ship I wanted with the derelict govt and set up the control bit to set the AppearOn.
So here's how it goes: Upon completion of a mission (travel to a spob), the mission bit sets to Active. So in theory, when you leave the planet the derelict ship should appear. But it doesn't.
I've tried doing it the other way as well - using a special ship in a mission. But of course there's no way to capture a ship this way - can't even pillage - that I know of anyway.
The training mission sets the bits necessary in the midst of a mission - would this affect the ship showing up? Doesn't seem that it should to me. I even tried something similiar but no luck. ANY ideas would be greatly appreciated - especially from those with experience. Matt B - nudge nudge
I used to jog but the ice kept falling out of my glass.