Originally posted by Jager:
**I'd think you would know by now ewan, your the one who taught this to me, its not the graphic software, its the modler.. Please tell me how I can, owning several expensive 3D aps, still prefer the cut down piece of crap?
No thats not a flame, if it wasnt for this guy, I would of given up already
Learned well you have grasshopper...
It is true to a point. But when comparing two similar versions of the same program, it is allowed to say that base is completely useless
The free version of 3.0.2 was far superior, giving the user way more options to play with. Base was like a cut down version of Plus and Pro, but also a cut down version of the old free version n(that both you and I use). Some of the options that are prertty much necessary in the old free version (for example the expert mode in the texture editor) were cut out of the 3.5 base version. It was an icky and bad move by Strata.
Still, thanks for makeing me feel all warm and gooey inside 
(url="http://"http://www.evula.org/ewan/")"In this world gone mad, we won't spank the monkey - the monkey will spank us!!"(/url)
(This message has been edited by Jules (edited 11-27-2002).)