Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Spöb problem in Nova

      I'm making a plugin that I hope will someday morph into a TC, and to start, I'm doing the very basics, including s˙st and spöb resources. I've created 3 systems so far, and 8 stellar objects, all for one of the systems. Unfortunately, for some reason, it seems to have broken somehow. At first I thought the government settings were at fault, and, sure enough, somehow, probably during a Classic crash (ResEdit and NovaTools tend to do that occasionally), the governments were set to random numbers. So I reset the government RID's back to 128 (and yes, I do have a gövt resource, several in fact, only RID 128 used for anything). It still doesn't work. For some reason, just after the progress bar finishes, EVN unexpectedly quits. I know that the problem is either in the s˙st or the spöb resource because I took those out of the main plugin, put them in a separate plugin, removed the main one from the plugin folder, and still got the error. Any data needed can be provided. Thanks!

      Human logic, though beguilingly simple, is seldom complete.

    • Take all your pilots out of the pilots Evnova folder. Start up nova and creat a new pilot.

      You may need to up the memory.

      I can't think of any other reason right now.

      "...For what we see now is only a shadow of things to come..."

    • Tried that. It loads fully, but then crashes after I to make a new pilot. It does succeed, but when it loads, it crashes.

      Human logic, though beguilingly simple, is seldom complete.

    • Could be something like the pilot is trying to be added to a system which doesn't exist. Try adding a char resource to your plug to ensure a new pilot starts in a system you have.

      Also, you might want to check that your spob's graphics are correct. I had a problem with crashes because I'd acidently set spob to have a non-existant graphic.

      Failing that, send me a copy and I'll have a look at it

      PCs have users, Macs have fanatics.

    • Well, it still doesn't work. I tried both 1000 (default Earth pic) and -1, and it made no difference. I already had the chär resource, and yes, it is set to one of three s˙sts that I've created (I assume -1 is the correct value for the 4th) so... check you're email, I guess. I've reset the pic numbers to what they were before the changes took place (Mars, Jupiter for two of them)

      Human logic, though beguilingly simple, is seldom complete.

    • Got it. I'll let you know if I find anything.

      PCs have users, Macs have fanatics.

    • Problem fixed. Some of the graphics in the spob were set 1000 too high. When I changed the IDs back the plug worked fine for me.

      PCs have users, Macs have fanatics.

    • So the Earth pic is actually 0, not 1000? I guess I didn't look closely enough at the pict numbers... or maybe I was in index #s when it should have been RID's... Anyway, thanks! The help is much appreciated.

      Human logic, though beguilingly simple, is seldom complete.

    • Quote

      So the Earth pic is actually 0, not 1000?

      Yeah. If the spob window in Nova Tools is set to use Index # (which is the default I think), then the pic for Earth is 0. If Nova Tools is set to use the Resource IDs then its 1000.

      PCs have users, Macs have fanatics.