I was just making a one-minute type plug to give me a free, weightless, no drain cloaking device to help me get through a mission when I noticed the 'area cloak' option (I'm using NovaTools). I decided to stick that in and entered the ModVal field as '1000' (without the quotes). However, when I tried the cloak in the game it drained my fuel and shields. I have tried this with various other settings set too (things like '1003' and '1002') but it still drains fuel & shields. I don't really mind and I just used it to get though the mission with the field set to '0' but I would still like to try out the area cloak thing if possible. I am using Nova 1.0.0
Any suggestions?
I think I'm going crazy! All da links R ruining my brain! (Ha! Not 1 '(url="http://"http://www.Evula.com")E(/url)')