Well, well, well, I see other people are trying to change what I've been a little miffed at for months 
In trying to design a new logo remember the following things:
One: Form Follows Function, what does this image do? Well, three things. First and foremost, it's an image that shows you where in Ambrosias web boards you are, in this case, the EV developers corner, it should therefore be a piece of eye-candy that shows all versions of EV and, somehow, that you can edit them (a wrench would be good for this purpose). Next, it's a placeholder to keep that piece of negative space occupied by something, more eye-candy again. And finally, it's a link back to the web boards overview, it doesn't have to represnt that in any way, but that's what it is.
Two: The people at Ambrosia are smart (if the moderators read this, you can be as flattered as you like). They've designed GUI's for many app's, each one different. If my mentor is of anywhere close to the same caliber, and if they care, you'll be slammed for each little flaw, slammed probably wasn't the right word, more like kindly slammed. A web page is also a GUI in it's own respect, if things are standardized throughout a web page it makes it easier to navigate. Going to look at the other EV section badges you'll see that EV, EVO, and EVN are simply the game logos. The Image Gallerey has a nice representative logo, the EV Chat badge is a pile of @#&$%#@ crap (but who am I to mess with imperfection)
You effectivley have the hardest badge to make becuase of it's original nature.
Three: As it stands, according to Mantaray is one of three images, the first is Coraxus, I like it, except for the rough edges on the cube, that was done with a good idea and Photoshop, and the two opposing Resedit icons, unfourtinatley, those ResEdit icons are 32x32 and don't look very good even at that size. If you are going to include that icon you're gunna need to drill up a new one, preferably at 128x128 to scale down. I do think there's to much negative space though.
The next is Artanis, I like that one to, it's just far to small, I'd like to see it scaled up by about 200%, just to see it in more detail.
And finally Mantaray, even though it is much simpler than the other two examples there is something to be said for that. And yes, it is an ugly color. 
I'm not a moderator and I won't be deciding in the end, but I have noticed that these are good starts that need some work. Just to show you that I'm not all talk I'll interject one of my own into the contest this week, and please, by all means, pound me as hard as you like. 
Hope to see the end result soon...
The Evil Spoonman