The EVN v1.0.2 "Rescue Tomak" mission (mďsn ID # 720 & 719) of the Rebel string goes into an infinite loop at the ReturnStel due to an error in the mission 719 definition. To wit:
AvailBits (test) = b428
OnAccept (set) = !b428 g262 A719
OnAbort (set) = b428 S719
The culprits here are the "A719" and "S719" expressions.
Translated into my approximation of english, this means that when the player responds to
the mission dësc reqarding the granting of item 262, mission 719 proceeds to clear NCB 428, grants the player oütf 262 and then aborts itself. The abort then causes the mission to be re-activated causing the game engine to once again evaluate the "OnAccept" statement which aborts again... over and over and over. Until either something runs out of resource and your computer crashes or the player runs out of patience and CMD-opt-ESCapes out of the application.
A quick fix is a simple plug that redefines mďsn 719 so that the OnAbort (set) statement is empty. However, I do not know if the Rebel string is then broken, since the intent may have been to start some other mission as a follow-on after 719 ends. In EVN 1.0.1 the mission 719 definition had no OnAbort (set) statement which was changed to this infinte-loop situation for EVN v1.0.2.
If anyone has any insight as to why this was changed for EVN v1.0.2, it would be appreciated if they would share it.