Originally posted by magicianeer:
**A single hex digit represents 4 bits. A 32 bit number is represented with 8 hex digits. In the number "455A87F2", the last digit, "2", represents bits 0 to 3, and the next to last digit "F" represents bits 4 though 7 and so on up to bit 31. In binary, "2" is "0010", and "F" is "1111". In your example, considering the last 2 digits of each number only, they have 4 bits (bits 4-7) in common.
Bits that are zero in both numbers are not included in the EVN usage of "in common".
To find the bits in common between two hexadecimal numbers, you must convert the numbers to binary, then AND the binary numbers together.
In EVN, a player with combined contrubute field "c" gets access to a resource with require field "r" iff r = c AND r.
/me thanks thee - I think I get it now.
So, if say you have the 8-bit numbers 52 and 84, they don't have any bits in common because
5 in binary = 0101 and 2 in binary = 0010 and
8 in binary = 1000 and 4 in binary = 0100
so there aren't any common bits. But if say you had HEX 52 and C4, then the two would have the 6th bit in common.
Thus if theoretically a Contribute field was 00000052 and the Require field was 000000C4, they would have the 6th bit in common and the resource would be accessed.
I get it! Thank you. (Please tell me if I'm wrong :p)
Joolzman5, that guy with the spikey red hair.
Those who say money is the root of all evil don't have any.
That lowdown scoundrel deserves to be kicked to death by a jackass and Im just the one to do it.
(This message has been edited by Joolzman5 (edited 08-07-2001).)