Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Well, I'm finally saying goodbye to Spectrum. Anyone want it?

      Many of you are, or were at some point in time, aware of my plug-in development project, Spectrum. This was initiated on August 26, 2001, and has been at a staggered rate of development since.

      I have decided that it will not be worth my time to continue the project myself, as I really see no motivation to work on it, and as well I do not want to do excessive graphics work until I upgrade my blue and white 350mhz G3 to, say, a G5, or whatever Apple's next major release will be.

      An incomplete (and decomissioned) outline of Spectrum can be found at my website, Basically it is a TC set in a huge galaxy (550+ systems) and has...many, many ships. I have put in an incredibly large amount of time working on this, and I do not want to see it totally die... However, I have almost every single ship in at least some format, whether it be in my mind, paper, or Bryce 5. Currently the Spectrum files (an EVO TC) total at least 20 MB, and for Nova I assume they'd be...well, a LOT more.

      If anyone wants to continue the Spectrum Development project, please post a reply here, explaining whatever you'd like.

      What I will provide:
      I will give you a large percentage of the dëscs, spöb names, and most of the things involved in the plugin. Probably a bit less on the outfits side. Also there will be quite a few random pictures and compiled sets of pictures of ships...if not the models themselves. The main graphical thing that I will provide for you for unmodified use in the plugin are most if not all of the 612x285 landing pics.

      I will also not give this up to anyone; you must; 1) have prior plugin design experience, and 2) have prior graphical experience (post something here, I guess, or DCC it on IRC/AIM)

      Post if you want to take on the Spectrum dev, or if you have questions, comments, etc...

      Btw, this would be a Nova TC, probably a damnéd large one at that.

      Nat @ LQD

      Lequis Design

    • I have the raw models for a few ships in this TC, but only a couple renderings. I will gladly provide them for anyone that wants to take over this TC.


      'I' before 'E', except in "Budweiser".
      Disclaimer: All claims made herein are hereby considered null and void. No guarantee of satisfaction is given, either explicitly or implicitly.
      (url="http://"")3D Model Samples(/url)

    • (edit)Content deleted, as crucial information may have been leaked about the wrong thing.(/edit)

      (This message has been edited by Restorer (edited 06-15-2002).)

    • Terran sounds about right, but...dunno. /me is confuzzled...?

      Lequis Design

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Lequis MX:
      **Terran sounds about right, but...dunno. /me is confuzzled...?


      Oops... oh boy... umm... Sorry, wrong person.

      I got confused. I've deleted what I said for fear that the project I was thinking of is still ongoing. Forget I ever posted here...


      'I' before 'E', except in "Budweiser".
      Disclaimer: All claims made herein are hereby considered null and void. No guarantee of satisfaction is given, either explicitly or implicitly.
      (url="http://"")3D Model Samples(/url)

    • Meh, I should really post more often here. No problem ,Restorer.

      No one wants it? NO one? you get free fame!

      Lequis Design

    • I might have offered to take it, but...

      1: I can't give my email, and see no other way for you to get it to me.

      2: No graphics experience (yet).

      3: I am working on an EVN TC, but it is certainly not (b)that(b) big.

      I could use anything you have for ships, though. I have, uhh, (where'd that list go? ah, here) 43 ships now, probably more. I hope someone takes it. I'd like to see something that big completed.