Originally posted by scientific_potatoe1220:
**To make it a plug, open your plug. Go to the file menu and select Get info for "your plug-in name". For type, put Npďf. to do the ď, press option u, i. For Creator:Növä. To get the ö press option u, o. for the ä press option u, a. Then close the window. It will ask you to save the info. Click "yes".
To make an outfit:
In your plug, go to resource, and click create new resource. It will ask you what kind. type in oütf. You should know how to do the ü now. If you don't, press option u, u. Define all your stuff and close your outfit.
For the Weapon:
In your plug go to resource, and click create new resource. Type in wëap. For the ë, press option u, e. Again, define all your stuff.
Now you have made your weapon.
Hope this helps 
Well, that's one possible way, but the simplest method would be to download an existing plugin that adds weapons (the Gundam 0083 Teaser Plug, for example), erase all the other resources (ship, rleD, rle8, etc), leaving the wëap resource, and then just edit the weapons that are already there, adding new resources (command + k) if you want more than what is there.
"Nothing is fool-proof to a sufficiently talented fool."
(This message has been edited by what_is_the_matrix (edited 06-04-2002).)