Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Having a bit of trouble...

      Let me say, right off the bat, if this seems like a newbie would ask this question, I am a newbie to Plug-In making.

      Anyway, I'm currently working on a plug-in that gives you a weapon that can be used to destroy planets. I created a planet where you can go to buy the weapon (putting the launcher and missile under SpecialTech), but, the weapon doesn't show up when I go to the outfitters! I modeled the planet after New England, but New England didn't have any SpecialTechs anyway, so, I don't understand what I am doing wrong.


      - Captain Stud Beefpile
      - UE Naval 238th Squadron
      - Crew of One Challenger
      - Member of the Zacha Renegade Elimination Corporation

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Stud Beefpile:
      **Let me say, right off the bat, if this seems like a newbie would ask this question, I am a newbie to Plug-In making.

      Anyway, I'm currently working on a plug-in that gives you a weapon that can be used to destroy planets. I created a planet where you can go to buy the weapon (putting the launcher and missile under SpecialTech), but, the weapon doesn't show up when I go to the outfitters! I modeled the planet after New England, but New England didn't have any SpecialTechs anyway, so, I don't understand what I am doing wrong.



      I'm having a bit of trouble understanding you.

      You say that you put it under specialtech, but specialtech is a value for an individual techlevel (unlike techlevel, it doesn't include the levels below it, specialtech only is the level that you specify). And then you modified New England so that it has a special techlevel that corresponds with the missile/launcher's? Why don't you email me a copy of your plug and I'll check it out. Just click that email button just above my post.


      "Nothing is fool-proof to a sufficiently talented fool."