This would be more in relation to EV or EVO, not EVN.
Ok, so I've been trying to reconfigure several plugins to work together by changing the resource numbers of everything that was in conflict, so know, won't be conflicting. Of course, this is a tedious process and is greatly annoying me that I have to follow all the linking files between each other (which is very frustrating when I didn't make the stuff in the first place, let me tell ya) and it suddenly came to me mind (TO ANYONE SKIMMING, THIS IS THE MAIN POINT) Is there some software somewhere that will track the resource files between multiple plugins and check for conflicts. If so, I can't find it, and if someone would point me in it's direction, I would be most appreciative. If there's NOT, would it really be that hard to make? I couldn't see it being so, although I have little to no programming knowlege.
"A frog with four eyes, blinks twice as much"