'lo, all.
I've been a EV/EVO plugin maker since waaaay back in '97 or '98... back in the days of
Skyhawk and HellHunter... I've hacked every major EV/EVO plugin, I've been involved in
numerous plugins (none of which were, heh, ever finished... meh.)
So, I get EVN... Ok, read the bible, so, now, gonna test my skills and make a ship, right?
Well, I use a Spin image I've used numerous times before, a simple spin from a certain
SF TV show (Can you guess which one? :-D). The sprite is 64x38, and has 36 images. I KNOW
it works, I took it directly from a working EVO plugin.
First, I try finding a free RESC id. FIrst, because of the new rel8/relD rescs (What the
hell are those, anyway?!?!), I don't know which ones to use. I finally guess, and pick
1050 (sprite) and 1060 (mask). I load EVN, and it crashes. I check all numbers -- x size,
y size, etc. all are correct. I check the debug log, and it says the ship is fine.
I check the spin using NovaTools, and NT says the ship is fine!!!! I try it again, I change the id NUMEROUS times, to just about everything -- 11xx, 12xx, 9xx, finally 999x.
NOTHING. it STILL crashes. I have NO idea what is wrong! The Bible says I can use
sprite images. I thought, "perhaps I need to make spin's from the sprites, then use the
Shan to call, not the sprites, but the spins which point to the sprites...". Nope, EVN
gets confused and spits out all sorts of debug nonsense.
What is wrong? Why won't the Shan load the bloody sprite???? Does anyone know? Help!
I'm quite embarrased. I can't even get a bloody SHIP to friggen load!!!
BTW, I linked the ship to an EVN standard graphic, and it works fine.