Originally posted by kbmeister:
Sorry to butt in here, but if for example, I had a mission with ID 128 and I wanted to make a BriefText dësc, I would type 5350 for the value in that box, right? (5222+128) So then if that's correct, that's also the RID of the dësc, right?
Originally posted by kbmeister:
I seem to be completely lost and none of my math is coming out correctly. The IDs in the preexisting missions don't add up. Also, there's a little label up in the corner of the window which says "dësc=...." with another number there that also doesn't fit with anything.... **
Hrm, not sure about that.
Originally posted by kbmeister:
Do these IDs really matter or can you arbitrarily assign an empty ID if you feel like it?
They don't really matter, but if you arbitrarily assign values, you'll probably run into conflicts.