Well, the conversion is going well. Because Nova has so many extra features, I've been spending all of this day working on an easy to understand explanation on making an outfit (not the greatest thing on Earth, but everyone starts somewhere). I'm nearly there; I just need to explain the concept of reserved ID numbers and my wheels will be turning once again.
**Cafall, are you familiar with this DocMaker guide - 'The Beginners' Guide to ResEdit for Escape Velocity' (or something very close - I'm at work just now and don't have the guide in front of me)? The link is here:http://www.AmbrosiaS...rsGuide.sit.hqx
It was a very readable and helpful guide. If your project followed along the lines set down by this guide, I think it would do very well.**
Yes, I've seen that guide. I own a copy, and I keep it for a simple reference when I'm stuck on something. I plan to make my manual more like the Nova Bible on steroids (steroids that aren't bad for you :)); the Bible shows you how a stitch is performed, but I show you how to weave the cloth.
I'll post the first section (about making an outfit) on a site, whether it's ev-nova.net, ASW's Addons page, or my own. I want to see whether I should keep my fingers on the keyboard or leave the job to someone else. But rest assuredI will work as hard as I can to get the manual finished, unless people turn out not to like my work.
By the waydoes anyone know of a Mac OS X application that can save as a PDF file (besides Acrobat)? I do own Acrobat, but I've been having trouble with it's virtual printer.
The only sovereign we can allow to rule us is reason Wizard's Sixth Rule, Faith of the Fallen.