Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Changing Planet/System Governments

      Is it possible to change a planet or system's government in mid-game, either after a mission or after you've "conquered" (succesfully demanded tribute from) them?

      Li Haolong's Signature:
      Coming to a web board
      near you, July 2008

    • Yes, it's called a Mission Bit (Mbit). Mission Bits are numbers which correspond between resources. When you see the resedit resource Mbit marked "-1" in, say, a mission, if you change that to perhaps Mbit "225", you can make a spöb with the Mbit ID 225 change to something...else. I'm no expert, so correct me if I'm wrong, but this is at least roughly how it works.


      Lequis Design

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Li Haolong:
      **Is it possible to change a planet or system's government in mid-game, either after a mission or after you've "conquered" (succesfully demanded tribute from) them?


      Make a duplicate of the system and set an ncb (Nova Control Bit) aside for use for it. Make the visibility of the default system set to !bxxx (where bxxx is the bit), and the Visibility of the new system set to bxxx. Change the govt in the new system to what you want the system's govt to switch to mid-game, then when you want it to switch simply turn on that bit.

      Note, however, that if this plug is not a TC, you must make sure to use an ncb that's not already in use somewhere.

      Kevin Ballard