Ok, my wicked newbness is going to shine through on this one.
Alright I started messing around with nova tools to figure out missions that I was getting stuck on, and finding out what items are in the game. I started manipulating the nova files itself to get the game to do things I wanted it to do.
I think I'm ready, to start making elementary plug ins for EV Nova and work my way up to TC plugins. I always meant to do it when the original came out, just never had the time. had a bunch of designs and mission outlines and stuff on scratch paper whenever i had a nifty thought. But I need to get some of the technical aspects of the game down before the creative stuff can flow...
I started to mess with weapons and outfits first and here's a couple of questions I hope someone will answer:
I'm trying ot make the rebel viper light gunboat class fighter bay and the appropriate viper available at a higher price on the rebel planets along side the cheaper ones. Now the ID outfit number and corresponding weapon (and ship) ID number already exist in the data files. If I were to use their exact ID numbers but modifed stats (with nova tools) in a plug, does the nova engine acknowledge the ID number of the modified items in the plug instead of the ID numbers in the Nova data files? Or do I need to use a whole new set of ID numbers not used by any of the original nova outfits and weapons? Treat the bays and fighters like they were completely new items in the game. Or could both way work?
when I was changing the modifications around in Nova data files so that the good viper bay was being sold opposed to the original...(I sold my 2 bays 100 mass) in order to buy the new ones when I reloaded the game) I went to buy the new viper bays and my ship had 50 mass. Now I didn't touch any file related to my ship, and I sure didn't touch the mass of the bay. When I did buy the bay however it was the one I was expecting, and the vipers too. But when I recalled the vipers to the mother ship, they vanished, came in, but never registered back. I was left with 0 vipers. Is there any particular reason this was happening. The only thing I really changed was the ModVal of the weapon in the outfit resource to correspond to the viper bay I wanted instead of the original. I also changed the availablity bit from b9999 to b130 (to correspond with the rebel story line so it became available in the outfitter when the original bay became original)
-The answer to most of life's quandaries: It's good for the exact same reason it's bad.
-Often wrong, never in doubt.