Ambrosia Garden Archive

      THANK YOU ALL!!!

      Since this forum came online many of you have labored to share your knowledge and discoveries about this great editor (or at least the opportunity to edit and create despite the editor 😄 ).

      While I have little knowledge to offer, I have taken the time to harvest a LOT (though not all) of the information posted in the forum to date (11/22/2000). It appears below this post.

      As you read it and use it, if you have changes or corrections to any information IN THIS GUIDE, please post it here so that I can revise the second edition. I HOPE to be able to update this every two to four weeks or so, though nothing prevents anyone else from capturing this and editing/updating it as well. I hope this leads to a more comprehensive guide to the program, but above all, I hope it fosters creativity and ingenuity.

      PLEASE NOTE: Some of the posts used have been slightly edited and in a few cases, combined because they made for great continuity (great minds think alike, eh?). Also, it occurred to me late in the game to cite Ben Spees whenever he posted.

      I take NO CREDIT for any of this; all I did was copy, paste, and categorize. I welcome suggestions if the categories aren't the best. I tried to keep the main points alphabetical for easier reference.

      Have a Happy Thanksgiving!


      (This message has been edited by Jodeo (edited 11-22-2000).)

    • MASCOT REFERENCE GUIDE - rev. 1 (11/22/2000)
      Written by the Members of Ferazel's Hacking at (url="http://"")
      Edited by Jodeo

      The following notes on Mascot, the Ferazel's Wand World Editor, are submitted by readers and users of the product, posted to the Ferazel's Hacking forum. This information is not from Ambrosia Software, nor should be considered "official" or "sanctioned" in any way, shape, or form. As publicly posted information, the following text is subject to terms of use of Ambrosia Software's web site.

      The selection of topics is limited only by what is already available in the forum. The editor has no special knowledge of the program and thus NO QUESTIONS about the program should be sent to him. Corrections or clarifications should be submitted to the post in the forum titled "MASCOT REFERENCE GUIDE - 1ST EDITION". Thanks for giving.

      ABOUT "INFO(n)"
      All objects have properties, like how far platforms move, what directions cannons point, what treasure chests hold inside, stuff like that. The manual refers to these properties, editable by selecting an object and hitting command-E, by INFO(X) = Y, where X is an integer from 0 to 3 (there are four blanks, and the first one counts as 0, not 1) and Y is what is typed into that text field. Sticking to custom, that's how I refer to how and where one should edit a property.

      To make a button that opens a rock barrier, first create the button on your level, and then create the rock barrier. Click on the button and select Sprite Info and write down the Sprite # (something like #28 of 106). Then click on the barrier and select Sprite Info for it. Enter the sprite number of the button pressed in info(0) of the Rock Barrier sprite. Make the info(0) for the button = 1, because that keeps it pressed down. Otherwise, you'll need to have Ferazel find the means to keep the button down after he leaves (i.e., with a boulder).

      Think of conversations as if (if conditions) then (goto line) else (if conditions isn't true) statements with modifiers. There can be 2 if statements each with 2 modifiers and 2 actions with 2 modifiers for each line. So let's run through the if statements:

      Type in the first box:
      1: true if player has <arg> coins or more
      2: true if player has item of type <arg>
      4: true if flag # <arg> is set
      5: true if player permflag # <arg> is set to <arg2>

      Now in the second box fill in the <arg> numbers. So if I want to check if the player has 30 coins I would type
      1 30
      ...and then the line to go to if this is true. Then down in the second goto box (down after the actions) I would type the the line to goto if the if condition wasn't true.

      Now let's define the actions. Type in the # for the action to happen
      1: remove <arg> coins
      2: give player item of type <arg> <arg2: how many>
      (1: silver key, 2: gold key, 3: plat key, 4: magic potion, 5: health potion)
      3: remove item of type <arg>
      4: set permanent flag # <arg>
      5: set player permflag # <arg> to <arg2>
      (1, 2, or 3)
      8: permanently validate sprite <arg> on level <arg2>
      9: destroy this sprite permanently

      To continue with our scenario I would type:
      1 30 the first line of the actions, to remove 30 coins. To give the player 1 silver key I would type
      2 the first box of the second line and
      ...In the second box and
      1 the third box.

      Now that we can give and take from the player let's create the conversation. The conversation will start at the first line and go to the next line down, unless a goto line is specified*.

      When writing your conversations the character speaking must always have the name and picture ID (which you can find by opening the sprites file in ResEdit and selecting PICT resource) written down in the fields next to the conversation. To allow Ferazel to have a choice in what to say press the edit button and type in the possible responses, selecting a goto line for each response.

      To have certain things happen before the conversation occurs (such as players remembering you that you came, or setting off a Permflag) use the Pre-Conversation button. Type in your if conditions and goto lines. *It is possible to control what field will be used first when you approach a character In pre-conversation actions (the button on the lower left), specify a goto line X, where X is the field that you want to go to first.

      Normally you have to have if conditions in there own conversation fields, because you have selected goto lines to check for things such as coins. To do this in the conversation field type "(coin check)". It doesn't need a character name or pict ID. You can then press the edit button, and type in the if commands and goto lines. After the last line for the conversation, press the edit button, and type 20 in the last goto field of the dialog box. This ends the conversation. Remember that if your conversation branches off into different endings, that each ending has to have that goto line specify 20.

      EXIT (LEVEL)
      Choose "Level Exit" from the Bonuses menu. The level exit is just a sprite you can move around. To edit where the level exit goes to use place and edit map nodes. Use the links to node fields to type in the level numbers that you can exit to. If your level has multiple exits, you have to edit the level exit sprite. In the info fields type which # of the links to node field it corresponds with. If it doesn't open any new levels on the map type -1 in the info field.

      SEE: Perm Flags

      MAP - NODES
      To get the map nodes to work, DO NOT TYPE THE LEVEL NO.'S IN THE EDIT SPRITE INFO DIALOG BOX FOR THE EXITS OF YOUR LEVELS! The map nodes now work fine. (Check other people's levels. It's the best way to figure out how to do something.) For further reference: 1 progresses to the next level, 2 progresses to the next-connected level in the node, -1 goes back a level. If 1 causes problems, try 0.

      The name of the file is set in the level info. To use your own music, make a 22.05Khz Stereo 16Bit IMA 4:1 file, and name it a number. Use ResEdit to set it's creator code to 'Nqst', and it's file type to 'AIFC'. IMA is a type of compression. I suggest you use QuickTime Pro and/or SndSampler to edit your files.

      A perm flag is similar to a secret spot. If a spot has a perm flag set for it, you get certain bonuses, by entering it. Later on, you can set actions if you did or didn't enter a certain area. Example: Nimbo yells at you for stealing his money. How does he know that you stole his money? There is a perm flag on the treasure chest. Now perm flag settings are configured in the argument boxes in dialogs, but the specific number, I'm still trying to figure it out. (Perm flags have no readily apparent affect on Ferazel's hair.)

      Only leather, regular, and chain ropes work.

      If you want scrolls to have spells set info (0) to the spell number (SEE: Spells, below).

      The easiest way to edit the text of a sign is to open your level with ResEdit. Create an STR# resource ID 500. Create a new field within 500 for every sign text in your world. Then, in MASCOT (the world/level editor), let the sign's INFO(0) equal the field number (created in ResEdit) with the text in it. I believe it starts with 1.

      Here is a complete list of spells:
      0: fireball
      1: statue
      2: ice wall
      3: ice wall
      4: tree
      5: boomerang
      6: vblade
      7: ice wall- no actual ice wall though 😉
      8: density ball*
      9: sand storm*
      10: energy ball*
      11: ice shards*
      *no actual function

      I think that FG spikes, besides the floor spikes, were taken out of the game, and that's why you don't see spikes sparkle in Ben's levels. I challenge you to find a level in Ben's levels in which he bothered to define ceiling or wall spike FG tiles; in most levels, he omitted those entirely. He always uses retracting spikes sprites, with all infos = 0.

      For retracting spikes:
      INFO(0): Dunno. It always seems to = 0 in those I've seen.
      INFO(1): How long spikes stay up, in ticks.
      INFO(2): How long spikes stay down, in ticks.

      'Ferazel can go through walls!' You did not define the purpose of FG and/or BG tiles; if you started a level from scratch rather than copying the info from other levels (as is the norm), nothing is defined. Ferazel has no way of knowing what tiles do unless you tell them what to do. Go to "Define FG Tiles" menu item, and look for the four tiles in which spikes are embedded in the ground. type in the following in this order:
      (skip the next four tiles, since they aren't spiked)

      TILES - BACKGROUND (quoted post by Ben Spees)
      "The background pictures are divided up into 128x128 tiles. You can set them to tile correctly across your picture with the "tile pxBack tiles" command. Or, a much easier solution is to Copy Level Info from one of the in-game levels, and paste into your level, then just change the pxBack resource ID."

      Click on the tile to make it a crunch tile. Keep clicking to select type.
      (0) regular
      (1) takes 3 hits
      (2) takes a fire seed
      (3) crunches under your feet
      (4) requires the ice pick
      (5 and up ) Unassigned (as far as we know)
      FG Crunch Dir Mode changes from which direction they can be destroyed from.

      Go to the Tiles menu and choose Edit BG tiles. The IDs are:
      water = 200
      ziridium = 203
      acid = 201?

      TILES - WIND (quoted post from Ben Spees)
      "The Wind Current tiles are changed with the square bracket and backslash keys, if I remember correctly. I know this is cheesy but it was a very quick addition at the time. These sorts of badly-designed parts of the interface are mostly due to last-minute feature additions to the game during the crunch period right before release. Since the editor wasn't originally intended for release, you guys all have to deal with my weird interface now... sorry!"

      The + and - keys change direction, followed by a click approximately on the tile where you want the arrow to point. Sometimes it points that way, sometimes it doesn't. "Plus" + seems to signify right, "minus" - left. Then, by moving your mouse into a tile corner, hitting plus or minus ONCE, and clicking, you can refine the arrow's direction pixel-by-pixel. It doesn't act as you want, sometimes.

      Tiles > FG Wind Kind Edit Mode Click on where you want your wind tile. You should see an arrow pointing up with a 50. Now say you want a tile to be strength of 60. Press the ) (left bracket) key once. Now click where you want the 60 strength tile. Now maybe you want a 40 strength tile. Press the ( (right bracket) key twice. Click where you want your 40 strength tile. You just have to remember what speed you are at, because you modify the strength before you set down your wind tile. Now you go into FG Wind Dir Edit Mode and holding down the + (plus) key and clicking on the tiles the wind direction will rotate around.

      TILES - WORLD WIDTH (quoted post by Ben Spees)
      "The white tile problem is caused on the right side of levels that are too wide. There is a maximum width for all levels -- I don't remember the number, but Hangnabit is the widest that a level is allowed to be. If you want to create apparently "wider" levels, you'll need to divide it up vertically and place passages at the end of each row to go down to the next one. (See Fire in the Hole for an example of this.) There is a similar limitation on the vertical height of levels, but people don't usually run into that one."

      _MRG - 1st ed.:) Nov. 22, 2000 _



      (This message has been edited by Jodeo (edited 11-22-2000).)

    • There are a few sparkaly spikes in the Labyrinth(sp?). They are hidden under the bow &arrows;, so they are shorter than retracting spikes can be.

      Don't take life too seriously, nobody gets out alive anyway.

    • A great idea!

      You should add section about overlay tiles.
      To create overlay tiles, I think you must first get into FG or BG tile mode and select the tile you want to use.
      Then hold down 'o', and click where you want to put the overlay tile.
      To make "background" ones (ones that look like FG tiles made by Cntl-Click), hold down 'o' and Cntl, and click.
      To delete them, hold down 'o', and press delete.

      I was a Habnabit for Halloween!
      To see pictures, click (url="http://"")here(/url).
      (url="http://"")Andrew's World(/url): Currently the largest set of Ferazel's Wand levels!

    • Bravo!

      Paste it in a DOCMaker or something and ship it off to Ferazel's add-on site. This is a definite must. I can't wait to tell the first person: "It's in the reference."

      Er...perhaps it is time to get rid of the electoral college. Or at least make Florida divvy up its votes. Anything that keeps Bush locked up in the Guv's mansion, out of trouble.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by spamguy:

      Paste it in a DOCMaker or something and ship it off to Ferazel's add-on site. This is a definite must. I can't wait to tell the first person: "It's in the reference."

      Ugh. I hate DocMaker.

      Please also have a SimpleText version.

      I was a Habnabit for Halloween!
      To see pictures, click (url="http://"")here(/url).
      (url="http://"")Andrew's World(/url): Currently the largest set of Ferazel's Wand levels!

    • You should add info about Crates (The things that sometimes have '?' or '!' on them), and about enemys (such as how to make gray axe goblins).
      That is, if anyone who knows about them makes a post here...

      Also, I think you should include everything in the origional read-me.

      I was a Habnabit for Halloween!
      To see pictures, click (url="http://"")here(/url).
      (url="http://"")Andrew's World(/url): Currently the largest set of Ferazel's Wand levels!

    • Quote

      Originally posted by aschaaf_86:
      **Ugh. I hate DocMaker.

      Please also have a SimpleText version.


      Ugh. I hate SimpleText. BBEdit will do nicely.

      Er...perhaps it is time to get rid of the electoral college. Or at least make Florida divvy up its votes. Anything that keeps Bush locked up in the Guv's mansion, out of trouble.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by spamguy:
      **Ugh. I hate SimpleText. BBEdit will do nicely.

      Well, It doesn't matter.
      Anyone with ResEdit or FileTyper can change the creator code to anyting they like.

      I was a Habnabit for Halloween!
      To see pictures, click (url="http://"")here(/url).
      (url="http://"")Andrew's World(/url): Currently the largest set of Ferazel's Wand levels!

    • Quote

      Originally posted by aschaaf_86:
      Also, I think you should include everything in the origional read-me.

      I think that'll make for a good rev. 1.5. I'll try to combine the two in a week or so. As for formats, I can't do DOCMaker. If anything, I'll keep in in SimpleText or POSSIBLY RTF so you can more easily access when stuck on a PC somewhere.



    • You asked for monsters.
      Here is a small guide.

      info (0) 1= knife goblins will not move from their original spot.
      Might work for other monsters too.
      info (1) no known use
      info (2) enter different numbers for each color.
      1 = red, 2 = haven´t tested yet, 3 = Blue (have the double hit points of standard goblins)
      4 and up = haven´t tested yet.
      info (3) no known use.

      "let´s not bicker about
      who killed who!
      This is supposed to be
      a happy day."

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Knight of NI:
      **You asked for monsters.
      Here is a small guide.

      info (0) info (2) enter different numbers for each color.
      1 = red, 2 = haven´t tested yet, 3 = Blue (have the double hit points of standard goblins)
      4 and up = haven´t tested yet.

      4 is purple, as in the goblins in the fire levels(takes a ziridium seed to kill).

      Don't take life too seriously, nobody gets out alive anyway.

    • 8: permanently validate sprite <arg> on level <arg2>
      What does that mean?

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Emperor Ent:
      8: permanently validate sprite <arg> on level <arg2>
      What does that mean?

      That's what the Labyrinth Dimbo mCnv does to activate the Dimbo on River of Fears.
      Sadly, It doesn't show up until you enter the level it's on. (You can't make a guy activate something on the level he's on and have it be there as soon as you exit the conversation).

      I was a Habnabit for Halloween!
      To see pictures, click (url="http://"")here(/url).
      (url="http://"")Andrew's World(/url): Currently the largest set of Ferazel's Wand levels!

    • ********** BULLETIN ********
      ********** BULLETIN ********

      I'm planning up update this week to the Guide, which will merge the contents of the Read Me with Version 1. Things I'd like to include are:

      • Clarification on ANYTHING in the guide, especially with creating conversations! The Read Me is as mear as clud!
      • Any ADDITIONS on topics not covered at all -- or covered well.
      • URLs to FW Hack sites (not game play sites) where readers may find more up-to-date tips and add-ins (music, graphics, etc.)
      • Ben Spees unlisted phone number (just kidding)

      Please contribute to this effort -- your knowledge is valuable, and helps all to keep the legacy of FW alive and in demand!

      With your help, I'll be preparing Version 3 of the Guide just in time for Christmas, and I'm hoping to deliver something more elegant and user friendly.


      Thanks a bunch,




      (This message has been edited by Jodeo (edited 12-04-2000).)

    • Perm flags can also be used to make people- er... -Habnabits in conversations remember you.

      "They said, 'You know, this issue doesn't seem to resignate with the people.' And I said, you know something? Whether it resignates or not doesn't matter to me, because I stand for doing what's the right thing, and what the right thing is hearing the voices of people who work." -- G. W. Bush
      "They want the federal government controlling Social Security like it's some kind of federal program." -- G. W. Bush
      "They have miscalculated me as a leader." -- G. W. Bush

    • That's kind of a waste of a perfectly good permflag. Conversation-inclusive flags are better for things like that.

      I propose that Al Gore and Dubya Bush be dumped in favor of the Whig Party. Who's with me?

    • Quote

      Originally posted by spamguy:
      **That's kind of a waste of a perfectly good permflag. Conversation-inclusive flags are better for things like that.

      "Conversation-inclusive flags"?

      "They said, 'You know, this issue doesn't seem to resignate with the people.' And I said, you know something? Whether it resignates or not doesn't matter to me, because I stand for doing what's the right thing, and what the right thing is hearing the voices of people who work." -- G. W. Bush
      "They want the federal government controlling Social Security like it's some kind of federal program." -- G. W. Bush
      "They have miscalculated me as a leader." -- G. W. Bush

    • Quote

      Originally posted by aschaaf_86:
      **"Conversation-inclusive flags"?

      I know about these, just don't know how to make them. Something like on the first line, put (Been here check) maybe? I tried it and it didn't work.

      Stupidity got us into this mess, why can't it get us out, too.

    • Quote

      Originally posted by Jodeo:
      **With your help, I'll be preparing Version 3 of the Guide just in time for Christmas, and I'm hoping to deliver something more elegant and user friendly.

      What happened?
      It's Jan 10 now.

      Also, nobody ever explained "conversation-inclusive-flags".

      “I would have to ask the questioner. I haven't had a chance to ask the questioners the question they've been questioning.” -- George W. Bush