Originally posted by Firebird:
**Hmm, MP3's are a little difficult. EV only supports regular sound resources -- that is, no special compression algorithms or anything like MP3 or, um, well, can't come up with anything else. But basically, the standard sound file is what you need to have in order to copy it to your plug-in with ResEdit.
What you need to do is get a program that'll convert MP3 files to WAV format or System 7 Sound format (whatever the convention is, it's all the same) on the Mac. You should make sure you have plenty of disk space for this...just run this program and convert your MP3 to the the ordinary sound file (the kind you can double-click in Finder and it'll play without opening a sound player).
After you've converted it, open the file with ResEdit and open the SND resource; click on the single sound resource that should be there and copy it. Paste in your plug-in and change to the correct ID (whatever is currently "EV Intro Music" or whatever).
Contrary to what Lequis said, for Intro Music you DO NOT have to worry about bit rate. Or, well, I'm 95% sure of that.
I'd offer to do this for you, but I have a dialup connection, and these files can get huge. If you're confused about anything (and you probably are, I didn't explain everything all that thoroughly), just ask.
Yeah I know I need to convert MP3s. That's what I've been trying to do. But NOTHING will convert them!
I could also use AIFF (*.aif) with SoundEffects, but I've never heard of that, so...
I sure hope I have enough space... since I don't think anything that I am into right now will take up over 150 GB of internal/external HD space. 
(edit) Damn VersionTracker has been down today so I can't go there... (/edit)
Keep what ye c'n git, an' keep what ye ha'e, for that is the wey t' gettin' rich - Old Scottish Commoner Saying
(url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/ev_evo_spacebetweensoftware/")Space Between SW(/url) | | (url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/Sims_4_Mac/")Sims 4 Mac(/url) | | (url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/Apple_iLove/")iLove(/url)
(This message has been edited by The Space Between (edited 03-06-2002).)