Here's how I do it: Take a box and place it directly in the center of your scene (make sure you check the "visable" box, and re-name it as "spinner" for verification). Now, if you preview your ship in phong mode or whatever, that same box should not be visable. Now, go to the sequencer and link every object of your ship to the spinner object. Once this has been done, your entire ship should move whenever you re-locate the spinner object. Now, make sure your ship is completely centered. Play around with the camera angles, and find whatever angle you prefer (I usually make either top-down views or 2/3 and on a rare case, 1/2) Now, your ship's front should be pointing directly upwards. Take a snapshot, and begin spinning your ship at 10 degrees, taking screenshots before you add every extra 10 degrees. By the time you're through, you should have 36 snapshots. Preview your animation, and make sure you've made no mistakes during the spinning process (I often make the annoying mistake of leaving out snapshots). Render your animation at the desired pixel size. Once the rendering process is complete, drag your frames one by one into Graphics Converter or Photoshop, and piece them together. Also remember that all your frames should be a multiple of 8 in pixel size to function with the EV or EVO engine.
As for creating the mask, apply a basic color (white) to your entire ship, and turn glow on full. There should be no shadows visable on your ship. If this doesn't get rid of all of them, apply your lighting from directly above your ship. Now, render your animation exactly like you did your sprite. Copy the frames into whatever application you're using for sprites and masks. If there are still a few spots on your mask frames where shadows are visable, mess around with the brightness and contrast. That usually fixes the problem.
/Out of breath. Hope that helps you out. 
(url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url) - Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.
GameRanger: -Sß- Captain Skyblade | Skyblade86
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