Hey, all, I'm the new guy (only 16) and, while I've been playing EV for years (off and on, for a while I didn't have a Mac) this is my first time I've started to develop any serious kind of plug and, well, I need help.
The plug will be a general expansion of the truly excellent revamp New Horizons. I plan to add some new ships (graphics from Adam's shipyard and possibly grand-novice.com), some more missions with corporations/aliens/new govt. etc. A big undertaking, to say the least.
BUT I'm starting small. I thought that I'll start with just a new ship set (from adam's shipyard), but I'm already running into trouble. I've got all the resources I need (I think-shďp, PICT, STR, dësc and spďn) and have filled out all of the feilds, but when I test the plug I can't find any of my new ships! I probably sound like such a loser, but could someone help? Please? I even included my e-mail! (dorky, I know, but the registration wouldn't accept my Yahoo account).