For those interested, I've returned from a 1.5 month driving tour of the US and have begun revamping some EVx related tools:
Pilot File Editor 3.0b: I've spent the past week messing around with the latest build and haven't found any bugs. I still consider it beta, but will post a link tomorrow for those interested in open testing of it.
The rest of the things I have are based of of applescript tools I made over a year ago to help me experiment with a more advanced EV related project. I don't know if anyone else would be interested in them, but they do exist....
EV Stripper 2.0: This utility "mines" EV and EVO data files and plugins for resource names. For example, it will create a series of text files with a list of govt, ship, syst, spob (etc) names. Why? Well, I originally wanted some text files containing a bunch of govt, syst and spob names for use by another application I had made (unfinished). The applescript apps I made work, but I've found applescript to be unreliable on veriable machines, so I updated things.
EV2SS2.0b: Long before R&R; software started work on tools for Nova, I made some applescript utilities that would read EVO data files and export the data to a text file that could be read by a spreadsheet. Martin Turner expressed interest in an updated, reliable version of the applescripts, so I've worked to translate the utility and add some versitility. Currently, it is 90% effective in that it exports some resource types correctly, while it screws up on others. I know the problem, so it's just a matter of sticking in an "if...then" statement.
SS2EV: I haven't started on this, but it is the complement to EV2SS, taking a spreadsheet file and making a resource based on the info in it. Once EV2SS is finished, it should be relatively straight forward to make this (many of the same subroutines)
I will post a link to these utilities tomorrow. If I don't hear any complaints, I'll submit things to the EV download sites.