This is a personal ad of sorts. EV Plug-in creator seeks graphic designer. I have wanted to publish a plug-in for EV since V the original (Before they upgraded the Manta sprites), but I have a dilemma. I cannot create ship or outfit graphics suitable for my plugs for two reasons: A. I don't have the software (Though that could be remedied by ::gulp:: money), but more importantly I have the artistic capability of a color-blind parapeligic without an imagination. And of course, now that EVN is about to be published I have an idea for a killer plug that I cannot create because of my graphical inadequacies. To come to the point, if those of you who work with graphics would like to share in the fame (in other words, I can't pay you) of creating a plug-in, please reply to this post. Thank you.
There is an art to flying, or rather a
knack. The knack lies in learning how to
throw yourself at the ground and miss