Originally posted by Martin Turner:
**I was thinking the other day about production values for plugins - the same sort of values that make art-house movies visually and intellectually satisfying, without going down the path of bigger and bigger explosions, larger and larger sets and more and more highly paid stars.
Looking at the Nova Bible draft, it looks like it will now be possible to virtually anything. This means that we are likely to be indundated by plugins that try to use every feature, whether or not it is called for in the story line. I think we need production values if we aren't going to be Hollywood-ised.
So how about these as production values for an EVN plugin:
- Every planet must be unique and scientifically credible, with its own history. Better a TC with just fifty systems where each is unique than one with a thousand worlds of which many are 'another uninhabited planet'.
Note: not that this all has to be in the planet description - it can creep out in the mission strings, or in the outfits, or any way you like.
Some planets(the main ones) definitely need to be unique. But background planets are okay. Anything that takes a major part in the plot needs to be unique.
- Every government must have the chance to tell its own story, to explain to the player why it is the best government, why its way of life is the right way the planetary cultures must live in the imagination of the plugin maker if they are to capture the imagination of the player.