i need to know how to get evo res edit templates
i need to know how to get evo res edit templates
They're included with EVO. Look in the "plugin developers" (or something to that effect, I don't have it in front of me) and you'll see the templates. If it isn't there, check on the EVO addons in the utilities section.
Recursive: adj. See Recursive
Originaly posted by diddlysquat
They're included with EVO. Look in the "plugin developers" (or something to that effect, I don't have it in front of me) and you'll see the templates. If it isn't there, check on the EVO addons in the utilities section.
end quote
Thanks i'll try that
there are no templates. Can I turn EV templates into EVO templates?
On my system, the templates are in EV Override 1.0.2 :Plugin Developers :Override Templates. Did you download 1.0.2 whole, or just upgrade from 1.0.1? If the former, look where I just listed. If the latter, you probably have to find them in the EVO addons.
No, you can't convert the EV templates easily - many of the Override resources are larger and have some extra data. You could manually edit the TMPL resources, but it wouldn't be worth the time.
.xrrt n re'hbl ,fvug qnre anp hbl sV
originally posted by Jynnan Tonnyx
On my system, the templates are in EV Override 1.0.2 :Plugin Developers :Override Templates. Did you download 1.0.2 whole, or just upgrade from 1.0.1? If the former, look where I just listed. If the latter, you probably have to find them in the EVO addons.On my system, the templates are in EV Override 1.0.2 :Plugin Developers :Override Templates. Did you download 1.0.2 whole, or just upgrade from 1.0.1? If the former, look where I just listed. If the latter, you probably have to find them in the EVO addons.
End quote
I dont have a developers folder :frown:, only paperwork, pluggins(after you make ,em)
and website. I,ll try to download 'em. Thanks.
Originally posted by Edwin:
**i need to know how to get evo res edit templates
Found them. Thanks all.
Know, where can i get the evo formula calculator?
The secret of success is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake those, you've got it made. - Groucho Marx
Peace cannot be achieved through violence, it can only be attained through understanding. - Albert Einstein
Hardy har har! Little do they know: They are ALL going to hell!! Hardy har har! - God, attributed
Originally posted by Glenn:
the evo calculator isn't a Stufit archive. Where can i get one that is?
Originally posted by Edwin:
the evo calculator isn't a Stufit archive.
Actually, it is a StuffIt archive. It's just been BinHex encoded. Your copy of StuffIt Expander should still be able to decompress it.
David Arthur
(url="http://"http://members.aol.com/darthur1/talon-ev/")Talon Plugin for Classic EV(/url)