Please note that i posted this about 3 weeks ago, but my computer crashed 15 minutes after writing it and i don't know whether anybody posted:
I have decided to venture from the safe realm of spobs and systs to try and build a ship. i've got the graphics, i've got the spins and masks, and ive put it all in a plugin that only contain's the ship's files( PICT, ship, spin) so i can test to see if it works. However, when i start EVO, the intro screen appears, the loading bar at the bottom loads ALL THE WAY, and then the screen goes bonkers while a Finder error pops up reading something like: "EV encurred an error while starting up, probrobly due to lack of memory. Please allocate more memory and try again." I've tried giving it all I've got, to no avail. The wierd thing is, EVO is perfectly content with another plugin of mine that has both PICT and ship resources, and is much larger. What could possibly be happening?
Another question:
What font is used for the target graphics? And what size?
Windows Starting Up: The world's most common error message.