Okay, a few weeks ago I was making a ship and came to the mass portion of it. At first I entered a random number, but then saw that it came out to less than the outfits mass. I posted an idea to the Corsair Developers board of having a framework; and, after a bit of work. Me and Jules came up with this:
Corsair Developers Mass Framework:
Mass = h + s + j + c
where :
h = mass of hull (varies with ship size)
s = total mass of standard items
j = maximum standard number of jumps
c = crew members using the below principal :
5 tons per 15 crew members - ie 3 crew members take up I ton (or .3 tons for every crewmember)
e = size of engines - dependant on the following pricipal :
1 ton per jump (ie: average fighter has 2 tons of engine, scoutship = 8). However it also depends on the class of vessel. It takes more to pull a warship than a shuttle. So the extra tonnage for each class would be:
Fighter/Shuttle/Scoutship= 0 tons added (dependant on speed and normal cargo being taken, if fighter, perhaps add an extra .5 tons, while shuttle add nothing to the base)
Mid-weight war/trading ships= 5 tons added(dependant on speed and normal cargo being taken, if warship, perhaps add an extra 5 tons, while Trading ship add 6).
Large Cruisers (warships/freighters/basically big ships) = 15 tons added(dependant on speed and normal cargo being taken, if warship, perhaps add about 15 tons, while freighter add 17)
Okay, if anything needs clarified, please tell, and I'll fix it.
-From the Corsair Developers
Why must I lose to these idiots? -- Grand Master Nimzovich
(This message has been edited by diddlysquat (edited 05-13-2001).)