1: Completeness. No outfits without graphics, ships without targetting images, missions that say "description goes here" or anything like that. You wouldn't believe how many plug-ins don't have this.
2: Proper spelling and grammar. If you can't do this, get somebody to spell-check your plug-in! There are few plug-ins beautiful enough to make somebody ignore atrocious grammar.
3: Originality. There are a million plug-ins out there that add a new gövt and six new systems. Make it special.
4: Good storyline and mission strings. 'Nuff said.
5: Graphics. Some people say this should be first, but I don't think so. Awful graphics will ruin a plug-in, yes. But, all other things being equal, a plug-in with fantastic graphics is only marginally better than a plug-in with so-so graphics.
6: Sounds. Hell, grab sounds from wherever you want, nobody ever seems to care, considering that all games seem to use 90% of the same sounds. Original sounds are nice, just don't say "bang" into the microphone and use it for a weapon.
Giule out.