Ambrosia Garden Archive
    • Shield regeneration rate?

      I read in the Override Bible (the one that comes with EVO 1.0.2) that the ship shield regeneration rate formula was: 30 = 1% per second. So I thought that 60 = 0.5% per second, 20 = 2% per second, 300 = 0.1% per second, etc. However, my deducted formula conflicts with what I've measured in the game. I've measured certain ship's shield recharge rate by dropping the shields to zero via cloak and measuring the time it takes (in seconds) to recharge to 100%. This method should be fairly accurate (especially for ships with tons of shields). The recharge rate in the game seems to be quite a bit higher than the formula I deducted off the Bible formula. It's a fairly small issue, but I'd be happy if I knew the correct formula.

      The ones we love and the life we grow from

    • Are your recorded values consistantly, say, about twice as fast as you'd predict? That would square with what the Xenocide team discovered midway through development - EV's engine actually thinks that there are 60 frames in a second, not the 30 reported in the bible. It'd be interesting to have some confirmation on this.


      "Oh crap. I'm going to hell - I put the Bible next to Mein Kampf again."
      -Her Holiness, Pope Jenne "Kirby" Hubbs

    • Hmm. I'll go check.

      The ones we love and the life we grow from

    • I just checked. Yes, the in game regeneration rate seems to be about twice of that that was specified in the ship editor.

      The ones we love and the life we grow from

    • EV thinks 60 frames = 1 second? Odd, isn't it 24/second = normal animation?

      - Captain Stud Beefpile
      - UE Naval 238th Squadron
      - Azdgari Squadron "Firebird" Leader
      - Member of the Zacha Renegade Elimination Corporation