(this is probably something only mburch can answer. I know he's on the nova board, but the topic is more development, so I stuck it here in the hopes he'd read it)
So I was working on a graphical version of the pilot file editor, and started in on the screen where you can hire or capture escorts, when it suddenly hit me:
In game, you can only hire or capture a max of 6 ships
Misns can allow ways around this limit by providing the ability to have more ships appear and act as escorts.
Systems can have a maximum of 30 ships.
Yet, the pilot file allows for a total of 36 escorts!
What's with the other 6? Is this just residue from plans to increase the number of ships allowed in system? It's not crucial, just an interesting discrepency. The big question is: what happens if you force the pilot file to have 36 escorts? How does EVO behave? I'll have to try it later....