Originally posted by Stud Beefpile:
**Damn! I was hoping I was doing something else wrong when I selected Gov't, etc. So I really gotta edit all that stuff? Ok, now I REALLY feel stupid, I know how to go to the dude resource and stuff, but what, and where should I edit? What I want is to see a merchant version of my ship, as a "Brave Trader" like a freight-courier, for example, that travels all over space to trade. I also want to see it only in Crescent space. Again, sorry for being stupid, but if someone could tell me how to do this part, I would be HAPPY!:)
I'm confused as to why you want to make a different version of your ship than the one you've already made for sale. The reason to do this would be if you wanted it to have different characteristics; for intance if you wanted it to fire different weapons than the one the player will be able to buy with the ship. Otherwise, you can use exactly the same shďp resource as the one you made for the shipyard.
Now putting it into the universe involves working with other resources than the shďp resource. I'll tell you how to do this one, but you should really read the EVO Bible and take a look at the EVO resources using ResEdit. ShipWrite is great, but you need a deeper understanding of what's going on than its friendly interface will give you. I've never used it, so I don't know what resources it lets you edit. My guess, though, is that you'll have to use ResEdit to fully insert your ship into the game.
Now you can either make a dude resource which you can make appear in exactly the systems you want all along the crescent or a flët resource which will appear either in the system of only one govt of the crescent or in a larger range.
Make a new Dude resource, ID# 255. Give it the same AI type as your ship, put your ship ID into the shiptype field 4 times each with a probability of 25. Give it the appropriate govt id number and for convenience sake set the flag at $0000, the info type at 0 or 1000 and the missionbit fields to -1.
Now you have to go to each syst you want this ship to appear in and replace one of the dude types there with your own newly created one. For safety's sake, just replace the dude id and leave the probability the same until you understand a little more about EVO plug making.
The other option is to make a flet resource. Try id 191.
The leadship type is the id of your ship. So are all the escort types. Min and maxes are all 0. Government is whatever govt you've been thinking of for it to belong to or -1 for none. The linksyst is 9872 plus the id of whatever govt you want to own the systs in which the ship appears. If you want it to appear all along the crescent using this resources, you'd better make three different flet resources for each crescent govt. Missionbit field is -1.
I think that's everything you need to do, but I might have forgotton something.
(This message has been edited by Elder (edited 02-23-2001).)