I've also been tossing around the notion myself. I'd probably write two versions, one a direct no-nonsense port to allow classic EV play nativly on OS X and rapid porting of other plugins - call it "Escape Velocity Carbon Edition" or something, and another version enhanced specifically for the new features in EVN (specifically, improved graphics) and a "densified" universe with more small planets, short mission threads to delay the onset of boredom and maybe two or three other major threads for the Rebels, Feds, Pirates and Artemis group - the kind of expansion that would tend to step on the toes of plug designers. Call it "Escape Velocity Gold Edition" or something equally pretentious.
And no using R&R;'s porting tools. That'd be cheating, besides, there's not much point to this except as a quick way to learn about the new engine.
"Oh crap. I'm going to hell - I put the Bible next to Mein Kampf again."
-Her Holiness, Pope Jenne "Kirby" Hubbs