Originally posted by astro:
**there is already an EVO wishlist web board. it's called the EV nova board. posting all the EVMP discussions there would put it to some good use (and perhaps cut down on the silly SOTD banter and EVN-system-requirements speculation).
You're kidding, right? Nothing would cause cardiac arhythemia and cerebrial embolisisms (not to mention continued banging of heads against walls) faster than posting EVMP/EV dream features to the Nova board.
The Nova board mods are militantly against new suggestions/features at this point in development (alpha2), so to post dream features would go against what the moderators of the board and EVN developers have said.
I suspect that this course of action could quickly lead to some bad karma.
With wish-listing banned from the EVN board, the two things that can be discussed on the Nova board are the SOTDs and what, exactly, certain features in the progress log actually mean. Thus, I can understand why a lot of the traffic deals with SOTD stuff and info on system requirements (something not mentioned in the progress log or FAQ).
Personally, I think Andrew jumped the gun on disclosing the SOTDs. The frenzy over them peaked a while ago. It would have been more interesting to continue to allow folks to suggest features. Shouldn't have been a progress log available to the public, even. Every now-and-then mburch or the folks at ATMOS would jump into a discussion, planting red herrings and real hints about what will actually be included. Then, 2-3 months before the game is released, start having a sort of Feature of the Day (FOTD). One month before release (around the same time that feature info regarding ship images is disclosed in the FOTD), SOTDs start to appear.
That way, the EV community is in an absolute state of mania when the game is actually released.
Then again, what do I know? I'm not in charge of a successful, well liked software company. 
Anyway, that the Nova comments are off topic, I still think an EV wish/ EV Dreamland/ EV Wonderland/ EV Blue Sky (whatever name fits) board would be nice.
And finally, you were kidding...right, astro?