Check this out!
I always wondered what a spaceship looked like from the inside, so when I stumbled across a picture of the inside of an expermental sailboat in Popular Sciece Magazine it got me thinking "wouldn't the inside of a spaceship look somthing like that too?. Armed with that thought, I whiped this panorama up in Bryce for you viewing pleasure.
I based this design on several criteria:
Lighting: A spacecraft traveling in the complete darkness of space would be dimly lit. That makes for some wierd shadows and lighting effects.
Spartanism: Conservation of space is important on a small ship. Notice there is only one sink for the kitchen and the bathroom. There is only a microwave for cooking, and the bottom bunks rest on the floor due to the low celing.
All the essentials: There is everything you need to survive packed into a small space, like a preperation area for food, Cabinets for food and medical stuff, and a toilet (hard to see cause it blends in with the wall, but it's there )
Cool Huh?
"Do not meddle in the affairs of Wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger."