I am creating a plug-in. It doesnt do that much except that if u e-mail me at Elec137@hotmail.com Your personality will be included! Also if you enter you will have a chance at winning the position of being captain hector!!! That means your name is on the dude that flies around shooting greedy ppl that dont buy the game All you have to do is e-mail Elec137@hotmail.com with the desired name, what kind of ship you want(You might not get it but whatever you get will be a little better like the personalitys in EV),And what kind of government you want. There are 512 positions. PLEASE TAKE THE TIME AND DO THIS!!!! After this plug-in is completed(EV only) I will start one for EVO!
By the way: To win the position of captain hector you have to be the 9th e-mailer
I will accept replys to this message for a personality but you wont be entered in the captain hector contest