BitMap 1.0.0a1 Dec. 2000
This is a tool that analyses EVO data files, plugin files
and ResEdit resource files. It searches for EVO resources
that contain Mission Bits and runs a simple analysis across
all the files.
WARNING: it only scans EVO 1.0.2 resources, and has only
been tested on EVO 1.0.2 It is still alpha, so test thoroughly!
There is un upper limit of 512 occurrences of a given bit,
but even EVO data files don't approach this.
To use; Just drop one or more EVO data files, EVO plugins or
resedit resource files on the BitMap app. It will prompt
for the name of the output file and then scan them for
mission bits. Open the output file with a text editor
capable of opening large text files (BBedit is the default
and my favorite.)
BitMap searches for: 's˙st', 'shďp', 'oütf', 'oöps', 'flët',
'përs', 'düde' and 'mďsn' resources. Then it inspects the
various mission bit fields, ie the VisBit in 's˙st's. It
also classifies some fields as 'set' fields because they
tell EVO what bit to set. Other fields are classed as
'test' fields because EVO just looks at the bits and doesn't
change them (ie the VisBit in 's˙st's)
After scanning all the files dropped on it, it creates a
TEXT file that lists all the used bits, all the unused bits,
all the bits set but not tested, and those tested but not
set. Then for each bit it lists the resources and files that
they occur in. (The text file is labeled as a BBEdit file -
so there)
This will be helpful in several ways.
Checking the consistency of a large mission network
before shipping a plugin. -
Looking for unused bits so you don't conflict with EVO
bit when making a small addon plugin.
There is an example 'BitMap file' which shows the output
from scanning the EVO data 1 and data 2 files.
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"EVN? What's that?"