Originally posted by blackhole:
**If you're making a plugin and have development costs then you're doing something wrong. If you used up so much time you're doing something wrong. If you suffer from any of those two, you really need to get a life. Plugin making (except for a huge TC with fantasic graphics and plot, eg Nova) should be a fun venture into the world of 3d graphics and story creation, it's not serious, if you mess up you know better next time.
<incohearnt ramblings follow (tired)>
Given the number of people on this Board who talk endlessly about Lightwave, I would say that those people definitely are out there. But I disagree about time. Show me a large plugin that didn't take time and was any good.
To anyone wanting to make a commertial or shareware plugin: You should really get your own game engine. It's not that difficult, given a few years learning and development.
I'm not convinced. There's a lot of games out there using the Marathon engine, including Prime Target which, although slammed by the critics, I personally enjoyed. If you follow that argument, where do you stop? Is it ok to used someone else's code libraries? Is it ok to use someone else's application developer (eg, C++)? Back in the ancient days, I was working on an Elite-like game for the Apple )(. I was writing it in Floating Point BASIC, which I thought was a huge advance on Z80 machine code, which is where I started on the Nascom 1. Of course, beyond the POV interface and some of the basics, I never completed it (though I was very, very proud of my rudimenary POV).
I loved the EV engine because it allowed me to concentrate on what I really wanted to do, tell the story. I don't see why someone else shouldn't be allowed to charge for their story if they want to, and if someone else is willing to pay for it.
I personally think that most people would avoid paying for a plugin except one of exceptional quality, like Nova (if it's plot lives up to the graphics) or better (yeh, right =P).
Anyway, enough of my incohearant rambling. Basically, EV/O/N(soon-ish) plugins are fun, not serious. Don't bet on selling them unless they are REALLY good.
People paid for EVO, although many people thought that it was less good than some of the really big EV plugins. It's about marketing and price positioning.