Originally posted by Jon Potter:
**I'm guessing, but I think MT is trying to use Mission Control for a TC plug. I tried doing the same thing for use with 1KW even though 90% of my Missions are already programmed with ResEdit. To accomplish this, I duplicated the MC app. and cracked it open in ResEdit. Then I replaced the stock data (ship, spob, syst, govt, etc.) with the 1KW conterparts. I did the same thing for STR# 4000 "All Cargo", but the menu had reverted back to the stock cargos when I saved changes and opened Mission Control again. Very strange since the other modifications worked fine.
I'm not sure if this is the same problem that Martin Turner experienced, but it's a problem I noticed. But maybe you don't want developers poking around in the guts of your program.
On the contrary - I expect people to muck around inside the programs. however
it shouldn't be necessary, ships in the plugin are supposed to override the
'built in' ones. However your brute force method should work fine - whatever
it takes to get the plugins done
The program uses the built in resources when it starts up (during the splash screen) to make the lists. When a plugin is opened the lists are rebuilt using
the plugin to override the built in resources. If you are using a multiple file
TC pluging though, you may want to just customise the built in resources - as
you have done.
I'll look at why the cargo types are not behaving.
PS I have heard the cry for Weapon Smith, but at least let me bed down
Mission Control first. Too many tasks at once can get confusing and causes
PPS what do people think of 'Personality Disorder' for a pers/govt/dude editor
(it is vapourware at this stage, I just thought of the name)
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