I'm working on my first plug-in (total con; it'll probably be about another year or two.) When I was working on my weapons, for AmmoType, I'm not sure what to do -- I looked at EV Data and most of those weapons' AmmoType were the difference between that weapons ID# and 128 (e.g., if the weapon was ID 135, the AmmoType was 7). But how would that work? And some of the weapons didn't work that way. Help! Please! How do I figure out the AmmoType?
Best Church Prank Ever:
Fart, and have a friend shout: "Hark! An angel has spoken!"
A doctor walks into a bank. He takes a pen out of his pocket and starts writing on a form with it... only it's not a pen, it's a rectal thermometer. The teller says, "Sir, that's not a pen." The doctor looks down and says, "Oh, DAMMIT! Now some @$$hole's got my pen!"